Mot de la présidente
Bonjour à toutes et tous !
L’hiver commence à battre en retraite et nous espérons que le printemps se montrera bientôt le bout du nez pour nous motiver à reprendre nos activités extérieures.
This month we would like to specifically reach out to our English-speaking members. In case you hadn’t noticed, in the coming months we will be offering two guided tours in English under a “Paris cachée” theme, led by our own pro, journalist Lily Heise. So be sure to check out the Nouvelle Athènes, Paris of the Romantic and the Birth of Cabarets tour set for February 23rd, as well as the Parc and Plaine Monceau, Paris of the Belle Epoque tour set for March 30th on our Activities page. Both tours will allow you to discover all sorts of interesting facts and info you can eventually share with your visitors over the summer (or keep to yourself if you so desire!) and are open to members and non members alike.
Pour bien débuter l’année 2025, nous vous avons récemment fait parvenir un sondage de satisfaction. Votre avis nous est précieux. Merci aux membres qui nous ont déjà répondu – pour ceux et celles qui n’ont pas encore eu le temps, le sondage reste ouvert et il est toujours possible de le compléter. Visitez le document Google pour nous faire part de vos opinions.
Comme toujours, nous vous invitons à rester à l’affut des activités proposées – surtout celles déjà annoncées puisque les places s’envolent vite – et à vous tenir au courant des ajouts qui se font au fur et à mesure que les détails se précisent. Si vous avez des suggestions d’activités ou si vous souhaitez vous-même organiser quelque chose, il vous suffit de nous en faire part !
Au plaisir de vous voir très bientôt,
Pour le comité exécutif,
Sylvie, Annabelle, Vanessa et Mayssane
Message from the President
Hello everyone!
Winter is beginning to retreat and we hope that spring will soon be here to motivate us to resume our outdoor activities.
This month we would like to specifically reach out to our English-speaking members. In case you hadn’t noticed, in the coming months we will be offering two guided tours in English under a “Paris caché” theme, led by our own pro, journalist Lily Heise. So be sure to check out the Nouvelle Athènes, Paris of the Romantic and the Birth of Cabarets tour set for February 23rd, as well as the Parc and Plaine Monceau, Paris of the Belle Epoque tour set for March 30th on our Activities page. Both tours will allow you to discover all sorts of interesting facts and info you can eventually share with your visitors over the summer (or keep to yourself if you so desire!) and are open to members and non members alike.
To start the year 2025 off right, we recently sent you a satisfaction survey. Your feedback is valuable to us. Thank you to the members who have already responded – for those who have not yet had the time, the survey remains open and it is still possible to complete it. Visit the Google document to share your opinions.
As always, we invite you to stay tuned for the proposed activities – especially those already announced since places are filling up quickly – and to keep up to date with the additions that are made as the details become clearer. If you have suggestions for activities or if you would like to organize something yourself, just let us know!
Looking forward to seeing you very soon,
For the Executive Committee: Sylvie, Annabelle, Vanessa and Mayssane