
Mot de la présidente - May 2021

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Can't wait for the return of human contact!
Mot de la présidente

Dear members,

The French proverb says "En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil, en mai, fais ce qu’il te plaît", but even this old saying is turned upside down by the Covid. While the government announcements look promising, we sincerely hope to see you in person soon !!

We understand that it has been a difficult time with all the health restrictions and virtual meetings. These meetings are all well and good but we really miss in-person interactions. We sincerely hope to see you in person soon, especially given the promising government announcements.

It is also because of this situation that we have had fewer activities over the past year.

But we/you are still here and that’s why we want to reiterate our offer to help. We are all experiencing a "lack" of human contact and the health regulations allow us to move within a radius of 10 km. So it would be our pleasure to say hello to you in person and even take a walk depending on the availability of each person. Does that interest you ? Then write to us

It is also possible to go for a walk with Solange on May 20 and to discover the profile of the month here.

Enjoy your long weekends in May and I look forward to seeing you !


Your president


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