
Personal classified ads: instructions for use

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Are you looking for a babysitter? Are you looking to rent an apartment or have an apartment for rent in France or Canada?  Do you want to offer your professional services or post a job offer? Etc. Our "Classified ads" section is at your disposal and is accessible to all ACP members on our website.

To view announcements:
•    Login to the website with your ID and password
•    Click on the "Resources" tab, then on “Offers" in the drop-down menu.

To upload an announcement to the site, send your text by email to info@canadiennesaparis.org.

In order to be more interactive, classified ads are made daily via our Facebook page.

For those who don't have a FB account, they can write to infocanadiennes so that we can publish it for them or share it via our What'sApp group.

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