Message from the President
Dear members,
The month of November is often associated with the melancholy of rainy days, and for me with the mythical song "November Rain" which I listen to continuously.
It is also the month in which the All Saints and Remembrance Day are celebrated. It is a nostalgic moment when we send our most beautiful thoughts to those who have left us. I'm giving you all a big virtual hug for this day of November 1st. And when I miss my grandma, I like to think back to this quote from Victor Hugo: “You are no longer where you were, but you are everywhere I am. »
To bring some warmth to your heart in November, we have planned several activities that you can check out below: brunch, classical concert, bowling night with alumni from Canadian universities, exhibition at the Canadian Cultural Center and visit to the distillery of Cointreau and Chateau D'Angers.
I am pleased to announce that our partnership with the Canadian Cultural Center continues. We have reserved seats for some of their VIP events and we are organizing a guided tour of the new exhibition at the CCC on Wednesday 23rd November in the early afternoon - children are welcome there!!
Speaking of partnership, that of Starmania with the Seine Musicale is extended for the months of November and December. To find out more about the benefit offered to members, it’s here. Thanks Julie for the coordination.
Another warm event to come is the ACP Christmas Cocktail: mark the date of December 8 in your diary!
We are looking for prizes for our raffle: write to info@canadiennesaparis.org if you would like to contribute to the prizes.
Finally, it's time to renew your membership if you haven't already enjoyed all the benefits of our beautiful community!
And if you need a little comfort, have yourself a nice pea soup onion soup :)
Your President