
Mot de la présidente - January 2021

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2021: the start of a new era!

Mot de la présidente

It is with great emotion that I write this at the start of a much-anticipated New Year. As the song goes, “this is the start of a new era”! The members of the executive committee and all the volunteers of the ACP would like to present to you a dynamic and diverse program for the New Year. Be sure not to miss our four January activities – there’s something for everyone! 
We start with the virtual walk “Le Paris d’Henri IV”, organized by our dear Hélène Bajan, and end the month with our traditional Galette des Reines et Rois… a must for the ACP.
This year, the Official Residence of our Canadian Ambassador to France is coming to you, and some surprises are in store. Follow this page to stay updated.
Rarely have we wanted to meet people so much, and to do this we are happy to launch the “Portrait of the Month” section which will showcase an Acpien portrait each month. Discover the first one here, and if you want to introduce yourself, feel free to write to us!

On behalf of our executive team, I would like to wish you a happy and healthy New Year!
And, if we were to make a collective new year’s resolution – to dare? Dare to be yourself, dare to listen, dare to lead, and follow your passions?
Truly yours, 
Christine Durand
President of the ACP 


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