The good weather has arrived. June heralds the beginning of summer, a season that rhymes with lightness, vacation and time for yourself!
June is also the month when we do a retrospective of the association at our GA. This is a moment of conviviality, and our last “gathering” before the vacations!! Register quickly to confirm your spot and ensure there is enough food for everyone.
This is also a great opportunity to get involved in our association because community involvement brings a lot: developing skills in project management, communication, organization, making speeches, meeting great people and, as at Jean Coutu, you can even find a friend there. You learn a lot, and there's a safety net that you do not always find in the professional world. Personally, my involvement in association allowed me to take up a management position much easier because, over time, I have developed skills as a conductor and organizer. It has also allowed me to surpass myself and dare more!
Are you interested? Well, you have until June 8 to apply for one of the vacancies on the Executive Board: Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President and Secretary. All you have to do is to inform the President of the Board of Directors: Muriel Vinant-Girard. If you would like to organize activities, write to me.
We still have a nice varied programm in June and even some activities in early July.
This is our last newsletter before October so I wish you a great summer and we keep in touch via our social networks and the WhatsApp group!
Your President